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Location: Cypress, Texas, United States

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Why Legalize Gambling When They Can Tax the Poor?

Well our glorious Texas Legislature has met and come up with another brilliant solution to the rising property taxes and underpaid teachers issues.

1) Raise the tax on cigarettes. Why the hell not? It's primarily the working man's pleasure and
he don't vote republican anyhow.

2) Expand Franchise taxes to suck in all the little mom-and-pops out there trying to make a
buck. Why let those small-timers have a break? They might accidentally succeed and start
'muscling' their way in on the big business mega corporations' business causing them to only
make 60 gazillion dollars instad of 61 gazillion dollars. What would those big business
republicans do with out that last gazillion? What do you mean give up the beach condo in

3) Raise franchise taxes. The businesses will pass it along to the consumers so legislators can
claim they did us a favor by lowering property taxes while they really stuck it to us by raising
our cost of living. Woohoo thank you government. My butt cheeks are posed and ready so
stick it to me again, baby!

4) Increase the tax on used cars to a set minimum standard rate. Nobody but the poor folk buys
used cars anyway so lets squeeze'em til they bleed dry!

Man isn't life grand when big business interests control the House and Senate in Texas?

And what of the gambling issue? Not this session...the republicans vested to much time into conning the religious right into believing that the big business party is on the side of moral right.

Lets see...the republicans philosophy is to tax the poor, give tax breaks to the rich (big business) and it will "trickle down" to the poor. They also want to do away with welfare and social programs.

the democrats philosophy is to tax the rich at a higher rate than the poor (since they have more to give) and to create social programs for the needy.

Which sounds closer to Jesus' philosophy?
help your fellow man ...or...every man for himself?
give to the needy... or... give to the greedy?

The rich controlling our legislature are trickling something down on the poor, but it ain't money.