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Monday, October 23, 2006

Froma Harrop recent wrote a great article about the underlying motives behind the Unlawful Internet Gambling Act. See Houston Chronicle P B7 10/23/06.
Jim Leach, republican from Iowa, was the primary sponsor in the House of the Unlawful Internet Gambling Act. He argued for the bills passage on moral grounds. Indeed he coined the phrase "click your mouse and loose your house."
Iowa is home to 13 non-indian casinos.
Iowa is the birthplace of the "racino" a horse or dog track with slots in it.
According to Ms. Harrop's research, Iowa casinos produced 297 million in tax revinues in 2006 and the state-run lottery produced another 81 million.
Iowa stands to lose a lot of revenue to internet gambling.

But according to republican rep. Jim Leach, gambling is immoral. Who is protecting morals and who is protecting money?

When will the Christian Coalition wake up and realize they are backing a bunch wolves in sheep's clothing?

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

What do 920,000 and 40 million people have in common?

Answer: A darn good reason to vote out the republican government.

Partygaming has announced that they will be forced to block out 920,000 accounts from U.S. citizens due to the recently passed Unlawful Internet Gambling Prohibition Act.

According to the Poker Players Alliance, there are 40 million poker players in the U.S.

40,920,000 votes for a Democrat president, Democrat Senators and Democrat Representatives might send a message to our Republican-controlled government that we are tired of having our rights trampled on.

Porn not Poker!

So the Republicans have now passed a law banning banks from processing payments to gambling sites on the internet. Gambling is not illegal under Federal Law, so the justification is that it is possible for minors to enter false information and gamble.

Really? Then why have we not banned banks from making payments to internet pornography sites? There are sites out there with nude children, beastiality and all sorts of filth. Minors can acess these if they can access gambling sites.

Which is more morally corrupt: A) Little Johnny gaining access to play poker on his own limited bank account, or; B) little Johnny gaining access to chicks with donkeys etc...

If you look at the act passed, it would not have been hard to word it as "gambling and pornography" prohibition. In fact, simply adding the words "and pornography" here and there would accomplish it!

So why didn't the Republicans do this?

Multiple Choice Answer:

a) There are no land-based porn sites pumping campaign contributions into Washington.

b) There are no federally-taxed indian reservation porn operations to be protected.

c) Paypal and credit cards do not protest transfers to porn sites (in fact eBay--Paypal's owner--allows the sale of porn on it's website), so they will not grease the politicians in order to hurt competitors like Netteller and Firepay.

d) It's not about morals or what is best for the country, it's all about the benjamins $$$.

e) All of the above.

If you correctly selected choice "e" please get off your duff and go vote these rats out of office.