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Sunday, February 26, 2006

The Evils of Gambling

So, I've been thinking. The critics all say gambling is evil. It creates addicts, destroys homes, bankrupts people. Maybe they are right. Maybe gambling is to blame.

I mean, the individual who goes to the gambling hall had no choice did he? The moment he entered the door (by force) he was sucked toward the loud, obnoxious slot machine that kept whispering...feed me.

How could the man, in good conscience, not put a quarter in it? Then another and another.... He has no responsibility for his actions does he? The first moment he gambled, he became physically addicted. His body simply could not survive without the...? his system.

There is a question mark there, because, of course, there is nothing in his system. Gambling is not addictive. An addiction is something your body becomes physically dependent upon and cannot function without.

So why do they call it an addiction? Perhaps, because critics can draw associations to drugs and give it a bad rap? Or is it because it gives the jack-ass who throws away his money in stupidity an excuse? Perhaps, because it is....evil.

Really? Evil?
Sure, it causes bankruptcy. You say.

But wait, I have been gambling for 14 plus years...I'm not bankrupt. I'm actually quite well-off.

People who want to ban gambling because it "causes" bankruptcy and "causes" marriages to be destroyed are fools.

Thousands of people die every year due to automoble collisions...under the fools logic, cars cause automobile accidents. We should ban cars.

Aids is spread by sex. We should ban having sex.

Terrorists kill people with guns...we should ban all guns.

People get fat by eating so we should ban all eating!

...or, we could all just take responsibility for our own actions.


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